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Allstar Youth Radio Volunteer Agreement

Part 1.  The Organisation


Volunteers are an important and valued part of Allstar Youth Radio and we hope that you enjoy volunteering with us and feel part of our team.


This Agreement tells you what you can expect from us, and what we hope for from you. We aim to be flexible so please let us know if you have any comments or specific requirements, and we will do our best to accommodate them.


This agreement seeks to strike a balance between doing our best for you as a valued volunteer and our need – as the licence holders of a full-time radio station – to run a full schedule of programming for the benefit of Allstar Youth Radio.


We Allstar Youth Radio will do our best to:


  • Introduce you to how the organisation works and your role within it.


  • Provide you with relevant training that you may need.


  • Provide regular meetings with your line manager so that you can tell us if you are happy with how your work is organised and get feedback from us.  If a meeting isn’t possible then we will ensure mechanisms are in place that ensure you are able to get your views across.


  • Respect your skills, dignity and individual wishes and do our best to meet them.


  • Consult with you and keep you informed of possible changes to your role at the station.


  • Provide you with a safe workplace.


  • Apply our Equal Opportunities Policy.

  • Apply our Disciplinary Procedure if there is a problem.

  • Include new volunteers in appropriate activities.


Part 2.  The Volunteer


Allstar Youth Radio  volunteers agree to do their best to:


  • Work reliably and to the best of my ability, and to give as much warning as possible whenever I cannot work when expected.


  • Follow the ground rules that are set out in this Agreement.


  • Adhere to any other station policies (e.g. Equal Opportunities, Health & Safety) *


  • Understand that being offered a show on Allstar Youth Radio is a privilege and not a right and that Allstar Youth reserves the right to withdraw such an offer at any time.


  • Stick to the Ofcom Broadcasting Code and the laws that cover broadcasting such as libel and contempt of court.


Part 3.  Ground Rules


In order to balance the needs of the station and its staff with those of the volunteer, basic guidelines are set out below.  Be aware that your actions as a volunteer at the station have an impact on the running of Allstar Youth Radio as a whole.


Failure to follow the rules outlined below may result in the Disciplinary Procedure being invoked.



3. 1 Minor Issues


  • Volunteers must sign in and out every time they are at Allstar Youth Radio




This is both a health and safety requirement and a requirement for funding.  If volunteers fail to sign in, there may be financial implications for the station.


  • Volunteers must ensure that all guests sign in and out and stick to the station rules.  All actions by your guests, including signing in, are your responsibility.




This is both a health and safety requirement and a requirement for funding.  If volunteers fail to sign in, there may be financial implications for the station.


  • Volunteers must inform Allstar Youth Radio staff if inviting guests onto a show


  • Volunteers must inform Allstar Youth Radio staff as early as possible if they cannot make a show.  If it is not possible to speak to a staff member a message.




To enable staff to make other arrangements regarding the schedule and to book other volunteers in if possible.


  • Volunteers must not use their programmes as a platform for their views alone




Whilst the station is a place for Allstar Youth Radio people to have a voice, Ofcom requires us as broadcasters to be impartial and balanced in the views that we represent.


3.2  Serious Misconduct



  • Volunteers must not drink alcohol anywhere within Allstar Youth Radio including the studio, training room, corridors and toilet.


  • Volunteers must follow Allstar Youth Radio broadcasting guidelines (set out in your training materials), the Ofcom Broadcasting Code, and the law as it relates to radio programmes e.g. libel, contempt of court, incitement etc




If you don’t, you may be breaking the law and the station could be taken off air.  Please see a member of staff it you need a copy of Allstar Youth broadcasting guidelines.


  • Volunteers must not make comments that encourage violence or are disrespectful towards people on the basis of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political belief, national origin, race or marital status.  


Allstar Youth Radio aims to promote equal opportunities for all and believes that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, including volunteers, staff and listeners.


  • Volunteers must arrive at the station 15-30 minutes before the start time of any Live show they are presenting or producing




In order to present or produce a good show you need to be prepared. Allstar Youth Radio staff need to know that you are here before the show starts and you need time to check that the equipment you are using is in good working order and that you have any scripts you need and are prepared for interviews and community read outs.



  • Keep all areas of Allstar Youth Radio tidy.  Wash cups if you use them and clean up after yourself in the shared public areas of the building including the toilets and corridors.




AYR staff do not have time to spend clearing up after volunteers.  AYR is a community facility which should be respected.


  • Volunteers must play community and other adverts when asked to by staff at Allstar Youth Radio


Reason:  Organisations and companies that advertise on Allstar Youth Radio provide much needed income for the station.


  • Volunteers must not sign out a piece of Allstar Youth Radio equipment and then lend it to someone else.




Volunteers are responsible for any equipment which is signed out by them, including loss and damage.  AYR reserves the right to fine volunteers for lost or damaged equipment.


3.3  Gross Misconduct


  • Volunteers must not come to the station when intoxicated (this includes alcohol and drugs)




If inebriated, a volunteer will not be in an acceptable state to either produce or present a show, or to work alongside other volunteers or staff. 


  • Volunteers must not take illegal drugs in the station


  • Volunteers must not threaten, bully, intimidate or harass (verbally, sexually, physically, or by other means) anyone on the premises.  Harassment may include paying people an unreasonable amount of attention.




Behaviour of this kind is anti-social and inappropriate.  If a volunteer has any issue or concern regarding another volunteer or a member of staff this should be discussed in confidence with an appropriate member of staff.


  • Volunteers must not use Allstar Youth Radio internet, email or phone for personal purposes or otherwise inappropriately.  Inappropriate use includes accessing pornographic, violent or other offensive material.  Staff should be consulted if any downloads need to be made or if the internet, email or phone need to be used for personal reasons. 


Part 4.  Other volunteer responsibilities


As a community minded volunteer at Allstar Youth Radio you should:


  • Do your best to attend Allstar Youth Radio Volunteer Meetings


  • Prepare your show and produce the best radio broadcast you can


  • Remember that the priority of Allstar Youth Radio is to broadcast to the community in Bradford and Leeds and always keep this in mind when planning your shows


Part 5.  Your agreement


I have read, understand and agree to adhere to all of the above. I understand that any breach of this agreement may result in Allstar Youth Radio Disciplinary Procedure being invoked.


I understand that an incident of Gross Misconduct may result in the Disciplinary Procedure being invoked and suspension from volunteering at the station until any hearing takes place.

Thanks for submitting!

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