Privacy Policy
All Star Privacy Policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protects your privacy and controls how people and organisations use your personal information. This Privacy Policy contains all the information about what you submit to us and how we collect and process this and how we meet our legal requirements, as set out by the GDPR. Here we’ll explain:
What information (data) we collect
How we use it
How long it is stored for
Your rights with regard to the information you share with us
What information (data) we collect
Your Data - Your Rights.
In order to provide a high standard of service, we might need to ask you to give us some basic information, or “data”.
All Star Entertainment takes the protection of your personal data very seriously.
Under the GDPR we must have legal reasons to process your personal information; our reasons are that it is in our legitimate interest to do so and is necessary for the promotion of health and social care.
This means we need to collect information about you so we can provide you with safe and effective services. It also means that we will only collect information about you that we need to know in order to provide our services, promote your welfare and safeguard you from harm. We may also use your information to help us improve our services, for example, by seeking your views and comments on the services we provide and notifying you of service developments and changes.
The information we collect about you could include, but is not limited to:
your name, date of birth, address and contact information
your parent / next of kin’s name, address and contact information
details of your mental and physical wellbeing
relevant information about the areas of your life you want support with
information about your support; case recordings, assessments, plans, reviews, outcomes
your gender identify, ethnicity, sexuality and disability status
As we need to collect information about your parents/guardian you will also need to give a copy of this Privacy Statement to them. Please ask a member of staff if you require an additional copy and they will be happy to provide one.
How we use it
We will then utilise this data to assess and create reports on who is accessing our services, this helps us to identify areas of need in communities. All personal data is collected, stored and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the expected provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) as set out in the Data Protection Bill. This policy applies to all personal data, regardless of what format it is collected in, whether electronic or on paper.
For us to continue to improve our services and identify areas of need, we need to analyse our data.
We may need to share information about you with other people and organisations involved in your care or programme, for example:
Parent / Guardian
Children's Social Care
School / School Nurse
Safeguarding Children Board
NHS Digital
Awarding body
This information is only ever shared when it is in your interests as a young person for whom we have a duty of care, or if it is in the public interest. You have the right to know which other organisations we share your information with and the reasons for doing so; ask a member of staff for more details about this.
We take your privacy very seriously and will never share your personal information with anyone who does not have a lawful and/or administrative purpose for using it. We will never sell or give your information to any third parties for marketing or automatic profiling purposes. We will not transfer your information outside of the European Union for any purpose.
How long it is stored for
We are legally required to hold information about you for a set period of time. All personal information will be securely destroyed at the appropriate time and we will not keep your personal information for longer than is required or permitted by law.
Your rights with regard to the information you share with us
To accurate & up-to-date information:
You have the right to ask us to keep the information we hold about you accurate and up-to-date. If your personal circumstances change, or you think we may be holding incorrect information on you, please notify a member of our team.
To access the information we hold about you: If you wish to see a copy of the information we record about you, you have the right to do so; please ask a member of staff for an Information Access Request form. We aim to provide you with the information you request within five working days of receiving your form.
To complain: You have the right to log a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you have any concerns about the way we are using your personal information. More information can be found at their website, https://ico.org.uk/concerns/ or by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113.