‘Be - Safe’ is a fully funded programme, commissioned by Bradford Council Public Health to
engage primary school leavers who are transitioning into year 7.
The programme content covers six priority topics to educate, inform, raise awareness,
motivate and encourage young people to improve their life chances, empower them to make better choices, build resilience and stay safe within a school and community environment.
Delivered as interactive classroom-based workshops, that provide young people with
opportunities and transferable skills to use throughout their life journey. The resources within
this programme is designed to be adaptable to meet the needs and learning styles for
pupils, teachers and parents; all workshops are locally focused to contain media and
resources for the Bradford and Keighley District.
What is a relationship?
This covers safe and unsafe relationships, positive friendships, consent, resilience, bullying
and awareness of these types of relationships.
Keeping Safe and Understanding Consequences!!
Delivered in two parts; topics covered include anti-social behaviour, illegal activity (county
lines) and violence, including that against women and girls, how we can stay safe in open
spaces and keeping safe online!
Award-winning ‘Kindness, Compassion and Understanding’ Campaign (KCU)!
KCU raises the importance of equity, equality, diversity and inclusion, tackling inequality,
bullying, discrimination, loneliness, poverty and prejudice which impact on the mental
health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Period Poverty!
What it is and why it is important! Raising awareness about the support that is available to
stop period poverty, breaking down stigmas and stereotypes; including the importance of
health and hygiene.
Fire and Water Safety!
Raising awareness of the dangers of fire, fireworks, misuse of electrical equipment, open
water safety and the consequences of rule-breaking.