Every year our Healthy Minds Trainees, and now our Healthy Community Trainees embark on a new experience as part of their traineeship journey; with our help and support, between the 6-8 month mark within their contracts, we provide a unique placement opportunity to further develop trainee skills and abilities; firstly, assessing the needs of the health and wellbeing sector across the district, secondly, discussing with trainees their career progressions and interests to ensure that each placement has an equal balance of both want and need.
As our trainees are deployed, we would like to offer our respect and gratitude to the following organisations who are providing our trainees with a broad range of placement and development opportunities: MIND Bradford, Horton Housing, SEND LO, SHINE, Future Focus, Cellar Trust, SELFA, Thornbury Wellbeing Hub and Women Zone.
‘Healthy Community Trainee Syed has been really great around our workplace. Always shows up on time, gets stuck into helping out with setting up the room for our weekly drop in and is welcoming and approachable with everyone. He’s made a difference in a short space so thank you for sending Syed our way.’
Mohammad Al-Mamoon – Manager - HACS 4-Men