We are delighted to introduce the Healthy Communities Trainees.
The new team consists of five people from the Bradford district and Craven area, who are passionate about improving health in their communities. The traineeships aim to provide a career path within in the health sector with the aim to:
Engage communities - schools, community centres, community projects, organisations and agencies across the district who support communities raising awareness of health and wellbeing.
Learn key skills in project managing, designing, adapting, planning, budgeting, and developing and delivering projects
Develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the sector by undertaking additional off the job training and placements with specialist wellbeing organisations
Be a positive role model in their area - meet interesting and diverse people in the community, working closely with Community Partnerships and emerging Locality Teams.
The Healthy Communities Traineeships are funded by West Yorkshire Care Partnership (Act As One) and my Living Well.

First up is Candice.
"The main reason for taking on this role is because i've already done work out in the community doing youth work and i wanted to help use my voice a little more to further help out in the community and spread positivity, give people hope out there and that there's still hope for a change out there."
Next we asked Maheen why she joined the team.
"I previously was a T level in Health student, therefore during my placement as a college student I was able to work at a Wellbeing Hub centre, which allowed me to learn about different situations of individuals, After working alongside the team it gave me an idea of what I would like to do career wise, as it was something that interested me and a way for me to help others, because although I didn't want to do nursing anymore, I still had the drive in wanting to support other individuals, so when I was told about this opportunity I immediately applied because it fits in with my personal values, in respecting and supporting individuals within the community."

"I hail from Southern India Bengaluru- Garden City of India came tom UK 20 years back settled in Bradford. I hold a Science Degree in Physics Mathematics and Chemistry. Whilst pursuing my Masters in Organic Chemistry got married and came here. I'm a multi lingual singer. I worked as a volunteer in BRI, worked part time in Bradford Council for Children's Services as Hinduism Faith Tutor for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children.
I was the Vice President for one of the Community Charity Organisation called Kannada Balaga UK. My hobbies are creative gardening ,cooking painting pottery. I like to do socialise with community and help people who are in need within my possible capacity. That's the reason I applied for this job where I get trained from the experts to professionally execute for the community well being."

"I am Syed hassan, my current job role is a healthy community trainee,I had worked with Mens Reaching out (male domestic abuse services) its part of BEAP community partnerships. I also worked as an exam invigilator. I always want to work for the community because it is a rewarding job and it makes a difference to others' lives that's why I joined All Stars.I am excited for this rewarding job."

I have applied for trainee healthy communities because I have considered it as an opportunity for me to put my lived experience into decision making in the health sector. Hopefully, this will create an opportunity for me to work in the healthcare environment in the future. I also hope my lived experience will be helpful for finding the health sector gaps that my community Like Rohingya are facing here in Bradford. This is really a great opportunity for my personal development, Job opportunities in the healthcare environment and most importantly sending a message about the gaps within healthcare for people like the Rohingya community to the decision makers which will be really helpful for my communities to get the right healthcare facilities or at least their needs or vices are heard.
The team are currently undertaking their induction and will be working in partnership with organisations from across Bradford and Craven very soon!