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B-Safe Programme Reaches Over 700 Young People in Bradford

Allstar Admin

Our B-Safe team has been incredibly busy start to 2025, delivering a total of 28 workshops to 14 different primary schools across Bradford. These engaging sessions reached over 700 year six pupils, equipping them with valuable knowledge and skills related to important aspects of their well-being.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Friendships and Relationships: This popular workshop explored topics like consent, boundaries, different types of relationships, and how to navigate and repair broken friendships.

  • Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness: Pupils learned about the different types of anti-social behaviour, its consequences, and how to stay safe in their communities.

  • Dangers and Decisions: This workshop focused on making informed choices and understanding the potential risks associated with various situations.

  • Online Safety: In today's digital world, this workshop provided crucial information about online safety, including cyberbullying, online grooming, and responsible online behaviour.

"The Friendships and Relationships workshop helped me to understand different types of relationships, consent and boundaries, and how to repair broken friendships and fallouts" - YR6 Pupil

This powerful feedback from a young participant highlights the positive impact of the B-Safe programme.

The B-Safe Programme is a vital initiative that empowers young people with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices, build positive relationships, and navigate the challenges of growing up in today's world.

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