The Community Health Day at Great Horton Community Hub and Library was a great event. The event brought together a range of mental and physical health organisations who each put together a stall to showcase their services for the local area. One of these services is provided at Ridge Medical Practice where they shared information on how social prescribing can support individuals in a non-medical way that meets their own unique needs. The NHS social prescribing team showcased the strength of collaboration in how they support their client's mental health and wellbeing. They also have a befriending service which involves one to one support for loneliness, isolation, anxiety and depression, lifestyle, and wellbeing. WYP women’s and girls' engagement office brought awareness of domestic abuse and the service they provide against, clamping down on the harassment which women face while out in public. We learnt that even catcalling and whistling can get you fined.

The Hepatitis C Trust organisation spoke about bringing awareness about how vital it is to go for your smear test as a woman. They exaggerated how the process isn’t as scary as some believe and they network with lots of communities to provide reassurance. They also came with advice on contraceptive methods and showed us some of them. Another organisation that we recognised was Living Well that promoted The BEEP Project, cheaper alternative fitness programs for individuals with prolonged health conditions and or mental health issues. You can join at 16 and have to be referred in to be eligible. Mind in Bradford obviously turned up and provided lots of information on their mental health and wellbeing services across Bradford and Craven including counselling, peer mentoring and career opportunities.
DWP Disability Employment Advisors offered advice on how to navigate the job market as someone with a disability and or learning difficulty. She also provided leaflets so potential new services could have something to take home. We had a nice chat with the guys from MESMAC Sexual Health who aimed to reduce the stigma on safe sexual practices, getting tested and accessing these as someone from the LGBTQIA+ community. They were super friendly and we recognised one man from a previous event.

There were clearly a few services missing on the day but there were also other outside activities aimed at the young people and Zumba for anyone who was in the mood. Some of said activities included Face painting, drawing on peddles, printing on clay, making smoothies by peddling on a bike and a DJ who was a vibe. Everyone was so nice and posed for photos which are bellow. All in all, the day was different to our usual schedule but it was really interesting and a nice change of scenery. The food was also good according to Maheen and the other guests. Lauren got a Greggs cheese sandwich which was tasty.
